I like to eat, drink, and smoke.
I stick stickers and burn candles.
I wear and patch holes in my jeans.
I rock Vans till they shred.
I use tools and people for what they were design for... and beyond
Every fall I plant bulbs on Sugar's grave in Teresa's back yard.
It's in a spot on the edge of the yard next to the garden shed
which she shares with Bonnie
a cat who passed not too long after lil Shuggs.
It's been two autumns.
There's got to be over 100 daffodil bulbs in there.
This year I also planted purply-indigo 'Blue Moon' tulips.
I hope the squirrels don't dig them up and eat them.
RIP Sugar and Bonnie.
Today a coworker asked me if I had a garden when the subject heirloom tomatoes came up... knowing I really don't have my 'own' space.
It struck me as preposterous...'Do I have a garden !?!'.
It's impossible for me not to.
No matter if I have a yard or not, wherever I spend my time will be a garden.
I thank the universe for this one positive, amazing, and healing habit.
A gift synonymous with passion.