I've been finding it hard to get excited about my morning journalings. They seem, well, boring lately after reading the past few. Wanting something juicier to write about, I realized I haven't said much about where I am exactly.
I am working in the Catskills at a place called Menla Mountain Retreat. It's affiliated with the Tibet House in NYC, a non-profit run by the Columbia professor of Tibetan studies, Robert Thurman. (he was the first Westerner to be ordained a Buddhist monk!) Rubs elbow with the Dali Lama. Menla is like Tibet House's second home getaway up in the woods. A place to hold functions and seminars put on by Tibet House as wells non-affiliated speakers, yoga specialists, nature guides, meditation teachers, ... spiritual gurus of all sorts.
It is best described as a resort for spiritual events located in Phoenicia, NY on over 300 wooded acres. It lies in the valley Panther Mountain where Esopus River winds. There are springs all over the mountain creating waterfalls and streams (with the help of all the spring rain). It is surrounded by state park and recognized by the Audubon Society as being an 'important' bird area.
The facilities and amenities include a conference center, yoga center, meditation sanctuary, tennis courts, pool and cabin-like buildings of varying sizes to accommodate guests. Like cabin/hotel rooms, each sleeping a different # of people, they are scattered around the property. There's also the inn where the business goes down, front desk, dining hall, massage rooms, admin offices & 2 upper floors with guest rooms.
There are also two main trails; one leading to a look out on the ridge and the other cutting through the core of campus, satelliting to the buildings.
The river has a low dam, probably built well over 100 years ago, maybe for tanning operations. It creates a shallow tranquil pool, big enough to put a lil' row boat in, but not big enough to go anywhere. A great spot to lay in the grass, listen to the rushing water and watch the clouds float through the sliver of sky framed by the riparian maples, ashes, and elms. On top of all that there are expansive woods to explore, where you can make your own path.
There's a skeleton main crew who work all week and multiple part time staff who volunteer when there's a function, getting room and board and the invite to participate in whatever function's going down. Functions usually happen on the weekends, 2 or 3 a month. A handful of us live on the property in sweet cabins, while most other live locally.

The whole place is run by Robert Thurman's wife, Nena. She's a tall Swedish woman with a commanding (& demanding) demeanor, who's astrological sign is Capricorn & who's sister shares my name and spelling. She is feard by most coworkers because she knows what she wants and cares nothing about the frivolous. She doesn't give a fuck because she's confident in her own. She may seem rude to some, but I think she'd rad. Though my belief in astrology in fair, I do notice I tend to get along with certain signs better than others and some stereotypical sign's traits reign true. Is it just coincidence or truth? Who cares, it's entertaining and sometimes a good rational ("Working with that guy sucks! It's because he's an Aries...") I get along very well with Capricorns, always have. They have a patience I admire and besides, they have a tolerance for my Taurean headstrong tendencies.
The point is that Nena likes me, so I'm told, and that rocks. She was super-fine in her time, a 50's fashion cover model and had some awesome friends Salvador Dali, Charles Mingus, Velvet Underground, and Tim Leary to name a few. Nena and Robert Thurman are also Uma Thurman's parents. I hope she will invite me over for dinner sometime.
Before I came here I was a bit nervous about what to expect. Though I am not a Buddhist, let's just say I spent my time with the spiritual hippy lot and understand. Not that I am enlightened, but I have a good understanding of myself, I usually feel confident in my role here in this crazy world and know that your must search your soul for answers to life.
I had visions of a bunch of placid, flaccid people running around saying 'hey sister' and not ever feeling anything but 'all good'. That I'd be in a hornet nest of hippies and either be forced to give up sarcasm and convert or be drugged with calming herbal tinctures until I surrendered. Surrender to what I'm not sure, but I was scared I'd be the brash Jersey girl with the potty mouth who smoked cigarettes and drank too much. The bad one.
Much to my dismay and relief, the people here are like people everywhere... imagine that. And sarcasm abounds, after all we are in NY even if it's upstate. But the wit is balanced by a genuine and honestly displayed care and love from the folks here. I love it. Real people trying to live honestly. Well adjusted, a word opposite what I had envisioned.
Back to the fame... for there are many others surrounding. My direct manager's history is kept a secret even though everyone knows about it, and pretends not to. Remember Client 9, when ex-NY state govenor Elliot Spitzer got busted with the hoe? My manager was his hooker-booker. I think she's got some serious cojones, she just got caught that's all. Nothing to be ashamed of or to hide. It must be a burden not to be able to laugh at yourself for that one.
Now I sound like I'm just spreading gossip, but I've haven't worked with many people who were considered scandalous... kinda how I almost feel my life has been just without the audience care enough to put it on the front cover. I am a rock star, of the plant world. Plants are my instrument and I kick ass. My work is appreciated and eaten. People from around the world have taken pictures with my work, but my maker's mark is more difficult to read and my work is alive, growing, constantly taking new shape.
Bad Brains live down the road in Woodstock as I am sure do a few other artists and musicians, this area seems to be the NYC under-2 hour-drive-getaway and it's freakin' beautiful and actually quite inspirational. Let's not forget about magic. I found out about Bad Brains after mentioning them to my buddy, who apparently slept with one of the member's wives over 20 years ago. He grew up here in the 70's & 80's when the hardcore scene was birthing. He wasn't into hardcore, more of a classic rock type o' dude, but says BB played in the little local bar all the time. What I would have done to grow up in a town Bad Brains played the local dive every Friday. Sheesh.
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