Monday, May 16, 2011

5/4/11 - 5/6/11

Tore up from the floor up! That's what my body is telling me. The garden is amended, cultivated and dug into rows. Most of then are straight, running east to west, but one is concentric triangles and another... free-form. I mulched the paths between the rows with leaves and hay. It looks beautiful. I'm so eager to plant my first outdoor sown seeds; apart from the excitement I have for planting the hundreds of seedlings I started inside last month. Some seeds appreciate being planted in their permanent home, rather sewn inside early and transplanted later. Kinds like people. The later is more resilient and likely to recover than the former.
Beets, carrots, fenugreek, peas, and spinach. Though I know people on the west coast are harvesting beets right now, the seeds are sown a couple weeks before the last frost, which here in Phoenicia, is early may. The cherries haven't even bloomed yet. When I left Seattle in late March they were just breaking bud.

Today I woke up alone. Just as I do every other day here, but today I felt lonely. I miss my old pup. I miss waking to find her taken over my bed, sleeping longer than me, rolled on her back, and stinky kisses on my nose. A good morning. I miss her fuzziness & her sweetness, but most of all I miss her constant companionship. I miss her thinking that I'm the best person in the world to be with. I miss her wanting to be with me at all times. I miss being loved.

1 comment:

  1. Aah Sugar was a great girl. I'm glad I had the priveledge of knowing her.<3
