Yesterday gave meaning to the song 'Why Don't We Do It In the Road?' after I noticed two turkeys doing just that. There was a gang of them crossing the road into the woods, but the two weren't fleeing because of my oncoming vehicle with the rest. The obvious male (bigger red waddle & more colorful feathers) in the pack was standing on another smaller and assumed female, getting his balance, almost like he was kneading dough for at least 5 minutes. I turned the engine off and opened the door to get out and take a picture of this rare witnessing. I guess I invaded their privacy because they scurried off before i could take a photo.
We, my housemate John aka Kenny Rogers Jr. (he looks just like him just smaller) and I, brought the portable Fender amplification system up to the house yesterday. Besides his never ending Peter, Paul, & Mary station on Pandora, I've listened to some much needed Ray Charles form my ipod last night. Today I intend to end work at the 8 hour mark for the first time in a couple days. I don't keep track of time like I would with a job where I had to commute to work, but because I live 'on campus' it's like working in my own yard. No one knows what my job entails, so I do as I please. Good thing I'm a workaholic obsessed with plants. No real desire to slack... yet. Today I got home just after 5 and Jr. is nowhere to be found so I plugged in my ipod and figured out the levels... back in church. I've always thought that metal, loud and preferably live, was for me what church was for others. Release. I sometimes run at high speeds. Metal assumes autopilot , takes over for me so I can relax and not worry. Security. Like actually feeling OK that someone else is driving but me. Few and far between. They may be driving, but I know where we're going, and how to get there.
Good metal, in my opinion, tells stories. It has highs and lows. Intros, slow building, crescendos, and treks back down. So far tonight I've coaster through my favorites anticipating Jr.'s return any moment, when I'll have to turn it down to something respectable. Metal is most effective loud; the foremost reason people dislike it. ("I like all music... except opera and heavy metal.")
Songs on the 'metal therapy shortlist' are the three blogs that follow.
The first 2 songs are pretty tame, acoustic, to inspire all listeners.
There is one of great album art.
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