Excerpts from 'An Island Garden' by Celia Thaxter
"He who is born with a silver spoon in his mouth is generally considered a fortunate person, but good fortune is small compared to the happy mortal who enters this world with a passion for flowers in his soul."
" 'I can never make my plants blossom like this! What is you r secret?' And I answer with one word, 'love'. For that includes all, - the patience that endures continual trial, that constancy that makes perseverance possible, the power of foregoing ease of mind to minister the necessities of the thing beloved and the subtle bond of sympathy which is important, if not more so, then all the rest."
"The Norwegians have a pretty & significant word, 'Opelske', which they use in speaking of the care in flowers. It means literally 'loving up', or cherishing them into health and vigor."
"Like the musician, the painter, the poet, and the rest, the tru lover of flowers is born, not made. And he is born to happiness in his vale of tears, to a certain amount of the purest joy that earth can give her children, joy that is tranquil, innocent, uplifting, unfailing."
Thanks Uncle Keith.
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